Year 6 Spring Term
This term our Learning Journey is, ‘What is the Price of War?’ We start our adventure by having a WW1 recruitment hook day where the children dress up in war costumes, are taught about the signing up process and learn about propaganda. Following this, they learn about what life was like in the trenches and trench warfare. To be fully immersive in this, the classrooms are turned into trenches and battle commences! The children then use all of their knowledge to create first-hand accounts of their experience and create fantastic WW1 artwork using different mediums.
After this, we turn to WW2 and explore what was happening during this time. We are excited to explore a new writing unit this year based around The Blitz. Later in the term, use ‘The Boy in Striped Pyjamas’ as a rich stimulus for our writing and guided reading. Finally, the children get an opportunity to have insightful and reflective discussion about what the real price of war actually is.

In our year 6 WW1 Hook morning, we got to dress up in war costumes and sign-up for the war. We learnt about wartime propaganda and what young men had do during the recruitment process.
Our classrooms were turned into trenches for our second hook morning in our ‘What is the price of war?’ learning journey. We learnt about the conditions soldiers had to live in and read diary extracts from soldiers telling of their experiences in the war.
Here is some of our WW1 artwork where we have used the medium of charcoal to create shading and mood.