After School Clubs

Click on the relevant club flyer below for all information on how to book:
After School Club Reminder
Once pupils are allocated and attending clubs, we keep a register and we ask you to let us know in advance if your child is in school but not planning to attend a club. Either an email or verbal notification to the club leader or school office will suffice.
Please let the school office know if your child is not going to attend a club so that we do not follow our usual checking procedures. If your child was in school but did not register at a scheduled club, and you have not notified us, we will continue to try to contact you until we have confirmation that your child is safe.
Koosa Kids After School Child Care
If your child is registered to attend Koosa Kids please let Koosa know directly if your child is not attending. If Koosa has not been notified, and is still expecting the child, we will continue to try to contact you until we have confirmation that your child is safe.