Absences and Term Time Holidays
If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please phone the school office 01252 615428 and leave a message or email Parent@allsaints-fleet.hants.sch.uk by 9.00am.
Tell us their name and class and a brief reason for the absence.
This needs to be done each day that your child is unable to attend school.
Please do not send your child back to school until they are completely recovered (48 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea).
No child is allowed to leave the school during school time unless a proper request has been received. We prefer you to make dental and routine medical appointments outside school hours whenever possible.
Term Time Holidays
We recommend that family holidays are not taken during term time, unless it is absolutely unavoidable; in which case a Request for Leave of Absence form must be completed and returned to the School Office. Permission must be obtained from the Headteacher to authorise the absence before the holiday is booked.
The following guidance is taken from the Directgov website:
Taking children on holiday during term
By law, parents and carers are responsible for making sure their child goes to school regularly. You shouldn't keep your children off school during term.
Taking a child on a family holiday during term time is usually an unauthorised absence.
Missing school upsets children’s education and may affect their relationships within the school. If you take your child on holiday during term-time, they might miss important work in school, homework, tests or exams.
Useful Information
Hampshire guidance for parents on school attendance, including advice about the need for good attendance, medical or other absence, family holidays and school holidays can be found here.
Government attendance advice can be found here.
Fixed penalty notice information can be found here.
School Penalty Notice Fines are changing from 19th August 2024. The below information details the changes.